Camps and Excursions

Our school provides an outstanding camps program for our students, focusing on developing the personal and interpersonal skills of each student while learning academic content along the way. Our current camp program includes the following camps:

  • Grade 3 /4 Camp: focusing on twin themes of “Challenge and Grow” and “Knowing Nature”.
  • Grade 5/6: Alternating yearly camps at Canberra and Ballarat, focussing on developing knowledge of the origins and development of our political system and life during the gold rush as well as the tensions that culminated in the Eureka Stockade.
  • Years Prep/1/2 – overnight at school for Grade Prep, 1&2 held late in the year.
  • Elective Camps: We also provide elective camps for our Grade 5/6 students, including our 3 Day Bike Hike and our Energy Breakthrough camp during which students compete at the Energy Breakthrough event in Maryborough. Also offered to selected students are opportunities to attend Somers and Woorabinda Camps plus various leadership camps.
Excursions are arranged during the year to enable children to have first-hand contact with a variety of experiences connected to their classroom learning. Care is taken to make sure that there are viable educational objectives in the excursion and that there are preparatory and follow-up lessons.

Parents will be asked to contribute towards the cost of most excursions but we are very careful to keep the cost to parents affordable. If school expenses are causing any financial hardship please get in touch with the principal to see what we can arrange. Parents can expect to be notified in writing well in advance of any proposed excursion. Children cannot attend any excursion unless written permission and authority to take emergency action in case of illness or accident is received from that child’s parent/guardian (this is a legal requirement).