Enrolment Information

Avenel Primary School is happy to conduct a tour of the school throughout the year for prospective enrolments. If you would like to tour the school and meet the Principal, please contact the School on 03 57 96 2264 or Ross Davis on  0403 565 119 to arrange a suitable time.

For incoming Foundation students, a series of sessions are held during Term 4 to help the children transition from kindergarten into primary school. For students enrolling in other year levels, we offer a transition day in December (statewide transition day) or we can easily arrange half or full transition days prior to enrolment start date. All children starting primary school must be five years of age by 30th April of the commencement year.

To enrol your child at Avenel Primary School, you will need to provide us with a completed the application for enrolment form  by Friday 28 July 2023.  Once the application has been approved by our school you will then be required to complete an enrolment form and provide proof of age (birth certificate) and Immunisation History Statement. The completed forms can be dropped off at the school office or emailed or posted to the school.

 To find the school you are zoned for (referred to as your local school) visit www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au